Ways your Parent relationship influence Yours - Frizzy Hub

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Monday, 20 November 2017


Ways your Parent relationship influence Yours

– Your parents could also have an incredible impact   towards how you handle your relationship.

– One of the important component of a successful   relationship is the ability to resolve conflict healthily.

Kids look up to their parent for everything. Parents are the first teacher to their children. Even till adulthood, parent still continue to have tremendous influence on their children. Your parents could also have an incredible impact towards how you handle your relationship. The parent’s upbringing till conduct the love live of their children when they become adults.
Here are ways your parent relationship influence yours
Willingness to accept abusive behavior
Being a witness to abuse between parents can cause you to succumb to this violence in your own relationship. It difficult for children who grew up in an abusive home to understand that this behavior is not acceptable and unhealthy. The same way male children who witness their father abuse their mother also have a higher chance of abusing their partner in the future.
Your degree of intimacy
If you grow up with parents who are affectionate with one another, it might cause you to be very affectionate with your partner. And if your parents are cold or distance to one another, it might make you a lot less open to receiving physical affection from your partner. Your parent’s relationship impacts your love lives. Their communication style can also affect your personal relationship.
The way you handle conflict
If as a child your parents yell a lot to resolve conflict, you might also take that into your relationship. If your parents also run at the slightest sign of trouble in their relationship, you might also be an unreliable lover. One of the important component of a successful relationship is the ability to resolve conflict healthily
How you express your emotions
Being able to communicate your emotions effectively is a crucial part of a healthy relationship. You can’t resolve a problem in your relationship if you can’t express your feelings. You may experience difficulty expressing your feelings if your parents had the same problem.
The amount of independence
Depending on how your parent cling to one another, you may also cling to your partenr or be extremely distant.

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