Omg! Angry Elephant Throws Young Man Through the Air After He Tried to Climb Up Its Trunk - Frizzy Hub

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Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Omg! Angry Elephant Throws Young Man Through the Air After He Tried to Climb Up Its Trunk

An elephant has taught a young man a very bitter lesson after it threw him through the air in the bush when he tried to climb its trunk.
 The elephant threw the young man into the air
A video has shown the moment a teenager learned who not to pick on after he tried to climb up an elephant’s trunk and was thrown away.
Metro UK reports that the boy is said to have been trying to recreate a scene from Indian blockbuster Baahubali where the hero in the film runs up an elephant’s trunk onto its back.
Before attempting the stunt, his friends can be seen luring the elephant, which was chained up, with some leaves.
But as the boy grabs hold of his trunk he is thrown through the air and knocked unconscious on the forest floor.
One local said: ‘The elephant was not amused by the idea and flung the boy in the air like a ball.
‘The boy was found lying unconscious some distance away by his friends who were filming his misadventure on their cell-phone cameras.
‘The group of friends were on a holiday when one of them conceived the misadventure.
‘After spotting an elephant tethered on a plot and no mahout around, they got a great opportunity to do something crazy.
‘First they brought some fruits from a nearby shop and tried to befriend the elephant.
‘The elephant was more than happy to munch on some fresh bananas and fruits.
‘The overenthusiastic teenager thought he had become very friendly with the tusker by offering him some food.
‘As he tried to climb up the elephant’s trunk, the visibly disgruntled elephant flung him up in the air.
‘The knock was so hard the boy fell unconscious, he was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital.’
Wildlife experts said the boy had a lucky escape, and the elephant could easily have gored him had he not been chained up.
Watch the video below:

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