All Genuflection and doxology belong to Almighty God. To begin with, I will congratulate all newly admitted Students into this great citadel of learning referred to as BETTER BY FAR
University. For you to be a Matriculated student is not by your power rather by God's grace. I want you to bear in mind that another stage in your life has just began in which you have to be FOCUSED and DETERMINED. See this admission as a God's Grace and do not think that you were admitted because you were the best. Remember, Many applied, Few were chosen.
According to Confucius,
"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools." Your time starts now. As an architect of your life, you can belong to any group you wish in higher institution but before you fall in love with any group, please
i. Discover yourself : Try to know where you fit in. What you are good in or ask yourself question that am I capable of doing this and will it favour me if I dabble into it?
ii. Set a goal: from the onset, my guy you must be aiming at something whether to be the NO. 1 in class popularly known as Scholar. You may also want to prostitute your talent or skill, this is an avenue. I may not be able to quote him verbatim. According to Lanko's theory, Education and Talent are both needed to be Successful in Life. You may also believe that education is just a background which helps someone to discover his talent.
iii. Work to achieve ur Goal: "Vision without execution is just hallucination." - Henry Ford. Yes, goal set without action is nothing. You have to prepare because you will prepare and some day your chance will come.
iv. Challenges on the way: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. You may see one or two things that want to discourage in achieving your aims. It's normal because Road that leads to Success town is filled with broken bottle and you have to stay strong. "One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.
Before I hang my pen, some student were called fresher because they were new in the system, that does not mean you are a GREEN in academic environment . Guys, act normal and female (spice of life) don't feel pompous ”no dey form” zip up. Don't turn yourself to "the popular good customer". I respect the world of feminism.
Be careful of staylites
Trying to Cajole freshers
They are all in corners
To initiate the freshers
Know your Capability and Ability
Don't be influenced negatively, your brain has its capacity
Instead of you to FACE TANKE
please try to FACE STUDY
Always remember that
You are here for a *REASON*
As you are among the *MATRICULANTS* today, you will also be among the *HONOURABLE CONVOCATIONISTS* in the next four or five years
God bless *You and I!*
God bless *S. U leaders!*
God bless *UNILORIN!*
God bless *Nigeria*
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