Ladies, See The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Wear Panties To Bed - Frizzy Hub

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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Ladies, See The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Wear Panties To Bed

Dear ladies, except when you are having your monthly flow, you have no business wearing p*nts to bed. What reasons do doctors have for this ‘prescription’?

See them below:
*Physicians say the female geni-tal needs to ‘breathe’ in order to maintain its pH balance and prevent fungi and odour. So, going to bed without your p*nts on will aerate your nether region.
*Family Physician, Dr. Grace Obong, says during the day, women wear a variety of panties and tight outfits that hardly allow their privates to breathe. She says though it’s advisable and absolutely preferable to wear cotton panties, many women still opt for polyester panties, with the attendant heating up of the geni-tal area while the day lasts.

*For those who may not like to go to sleep without having p*nts on, Obong recommends wearing of boxers or pyjamas.
*Experts at women’s health say the vag-ina normally has a balance of mostly “good” bacteria and fewer “harmful” bacteria. However, a condition called bacterial vagi-nosis, develops when the balance changes. This may lead to abnormal vagi-nal discharge with an unpleasant odour, while some women may complain of a strong fish-like odour, especially after s*x.
*Other symptoms may include burning when urinating, itching around the outside of the vag-ina, and irritation; while some women with bacterial vagi-nosis have no symptoms at all,” Obong adds.
*Wearing panties to bed can lead to too much moist in the female geni-tal area, and this can lead to vagi-nal yeast infection, most commonly due to the fungus Candida albicans.
*Again, Certified S*xuality Counselor, Evelyn Resh, says, “I do not recommend that women wear underwear to bed. Taking a break from underwear for the eight or so hours that you’re asleep gives you an opportunity to ‘air-out’ down there! Best to have an underwear-free zone while sleeping.”

*And while yeast infection is not a s*xually transmitted illness, physicians say some men will develop symptoms such as itching and a rash on the p*nis after having s*xual contact with an infected woman.

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